top international development consulting firms

Choate Parking Consultants, Gensler, Clark Nexsen, and . The services offered include helping companies identify, measure, and manage operational and technology-related risks as well as providing internal audit services, technologies, and skills for business risk management throughout the world. See how we help fast-changing industries succeed. Founded in 1990, Insigniam handles enterprise-scale transformation, transformational leadership, and managing change as a leading management consulting firm. Kearney is a partner-owned firm with a distinctive, collegial culture that transcends organizational and geographic boundariesand it shows. At the time, the firm was known as Marsh & McLennan. The award is given for outstanding papers on corporate finance published in the Journal of Finance. Kaiser Associates Insivia. CSG Government Solutions With headquarters in McLean, Virginia in the Greater Washington, D.C. area and 80 other global offices, Booz Allen is made of approximately 29,200 engineers, scientists, software developers, technologists, and consultants. Business Talent Group. The firm has more than 500 employees across 13 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Best 100 Consulting Firms in Europe | Conavigo Consulting Firms in Europe Following the financial crisis within the European consulting market, the consulting industry managed to recover and return to modest growth. KPMG provides adept consultation for highly varied situations. BCG had its own controversy, with CEO Rich Lesser serving on Donald Trump . Headquarters: Chicago, IL. The U.S. capital is unsurprisingly one of the world's top global development hot spots, with numerous international NGOs, development consulting firms, funding agencies, think tanks and . Top 50 Parking Structure Architecture + AE Firms for 2022. Answer (1 of 4): Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a kind of global private business self-regulation which aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by participating in or encouraging volunteering or ethically-oriented practices. Since being founded in 1983 by three Bain & Company partners James Lawrence, Iain Evans, and Richard Koch L.E.K. share. ClearView is a boutique firm with a workforce of more than 400 professionals across offices in Boston, San Francisco, London, and Zurich, Switzerland. CSG provides project related services including planning and strategy, program and project management, independent verification and validation, quality assurance, organizational change management, testing, system security, and federal compliance. Our work aims to facilitate inclusive growth and sustainability; alleviate poverty; support clean energy; advance climate change solutions; and address environmental, social, and health needs in developing countries. Oliver Wyman 8. Putnam Bain & Company ranks No. The Consulting Report. However, depending on your experience, qualifications and seniority, the average annual salary can be as low as $27,000 or up to $119,000. Crowe is recognized by many organizations as one of the best places to work in the U.S. As an independent member of Crowe Global, one of the largest global accounting networks in the world, Crowe serves clients worldwide. Operations consulting firm Financial consulting firm Human resources consulting firm Consulting and services companies 1. In particular US intelligence agencies will be able to access your data without informing you hand without you and without you being able to take legal action. NERA was launched in 1961 as National Economic Research Associates. Inbound Hype 22. This management consulting firm has offices in over 50 countries and clients almost everywhere. The Brattle Groups clients include many of the worlds best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations, as well as U.S. and international regulatory and government agencies. Founded in the UK in 1983 by Oliver Cox and Richard Cooke, it has become one of the world's leading strategy consulting firms. Grant Thornton LLP Syneos Health 1,000 - 9,999 employees. Functioning as an expansive network of member firms, EYs 700 worldwide offices employ over 300,000 team members in more than 150 countries. The firms banner Technology Solution Delivery capability is how it enables people and processes via strength of technology. By some estimates, there are thousands of consulting firms around the world. Number of employees: 25+ employees; . 45. TOP 50 INTERNATIONAL WORK ENGINEERING + EA FIRMS: RANK: COMPANY: 2017 INTL. Crowe uses its deep industry expertise to provide audit services to public and private entities. Furthermore, Mercer is not a stand-alone firm. They have a substantial commitment to growth and a constant presence of corporations and leaders on the ground. Kenway Consulting 16. The firm offers tailored solutions to a broad range of publicly- and privately-held organizations across a wide range of industries, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations. First originated as The Parthenon Group, LLC in 1991 by William "Bill" Achtmeyer and John C. Rutherford, two former Bain & Company directors, it eventually merged with professional services firm Ernst & Young to create the entity EY-Parthenon. The IT Services Report is pleased to announce The Top 25 Women Leaders in Cybersecurity IT Services of 2021. Willis Towers Watson Serving more than 50% of the S&P 500, corporate recovery specialist Kroll, LLC is no stranger to receiving honors for being one of the top consulting firms in the world. The firm was recognized in the 2021 Vault Consulting 50 list of the best consulting firms to work for. Today, it's known simply as Marsh, a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan. The top Innovation consulting firms in the world list presents the globe's leading consultancy firms specialised in Innovation, based on's unique global database of more than 10 million data points per year of clients and consultants, including expertise and consultancy projects . French consulting firm based in Nantes specialised in the international development sector: Territorial Strategies. Kroll advises clients in the key areas of valuation, corporate finance, disputes and investigations, cyber security, and regulatory issues but the firm is arguably best known for its work in administration processes. Grant Thornton. The firm has received many awards for its workplace equality, global culture, and environmental records, including the Human Rights Campaign Award for Workplace Equality Innovation. ClearView combines international industry knowledge and deep scientific expertise across a range of therapeutic areas with an extensive network of external stakeholders to deliver practical and actionable recommendations. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. RealHR Solutions is a leading full-service HR consulting firm for organizations of all sizes. On average, an IT consultant can make $73,989 a year (approximately $35.57 an hour ). It specializes in helping clients by improving the most important asset for every organization: its people. Its clients include a significant number of the Fortune 100 and FTSE 100, as well as other corporations, financial institutions, and organizations. Its stated mission is to build a better world by strengthening the ability of mission-driven organizations and philanthropists to achieve breakthrough results in addressing societys most important challenges and opportunities. It has consistently been the #1 most valued brand in the consulting industry and is associated with cutting-edge strategic approaches. Booz Allen Hamilton has evolved from its humble beginnings 107 years ago when it was started by Edwin G. Booz as a service offering impartial advice to then-nascent organizations such as Goodyear, Canadian Pacific Railway, and the like. Rolfe founded Keystone with the goal of creating a firm that placed service to its clients above its own interests. The United States have not adopted data protection standards in conformity with EU requirements. ZS Associates The Accounting, Finance & Technology category consists of Accenture, Booz Allen, Deloitte, KPMG, EY, PwC, and Wavestone. Over the years, CSG has attracted many of the most respected senior experts in the government programs they serve. What are the top consulting firms in the world for clients in the Public Sector industry? became the first global major management consulting firm to hold carbon neutral status. Headquarters: Chicago, IL. Big 4 Consulting Practice: This group consists of the consulting divisions of the Big 4 Accounting Firms - Deloitte, PwC, EY and KPMG (usually with different brand names). EY is known for offering assurance (financial audit), consulting, tax, and advisory services to its customers. EYP arms C-suites with strategic guidance in a wide swath of industries, including private equity, consumer products, education, financial services, healthcare, information and media, advanced manufacturing, life sciences, oil and gas, and technology. Headquarters: Chicago, IL. Visit Site. This highly reputed consulting firm also has expertise in the hospitality industry. Certain industries require especially high degrees of accuracy and security, and the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the firm trusted most by governments and other entities with IT support for sensitive, high-end missions. Bain has received many awards and accolades, including being named to the top three of Glassdoors 2022 Best Places to Work list. Manpower. It is one of the largest professional services networks in the world, with annual aggregated revenue nearing $50 billion, and the firm is highly respected for its forecasts regarding the world of technology and work. Founded in 1965, CRA offers economic, financial, and strategic expertise to major law firms, corporations, accounting firms, and governments around the world. Initially an in-house tech unit for data analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet, Cognizant has achieved remarkable growth over the past decades, rising to the top 200 of the Fortune 500 list last year. These divisions are the largest consulting firms in the world, revenue-wise. EY Advisory 8. Grant Thornton LLP is one of Americas largest audit, tax and consulting firms. Boutique strategy consulting firm Kaiser Associates was founded in 1981 with a basic but perceptive mission of helping executives follow through on informed strategic and operational decisions by incorporating external insight and analysis. Morshed Business Development is a consulting firm dedicated to connecting international companies with their Iraqi market. Insigniams belief is that culture fuels strategy. Economic & Financial Consulting offers economic analysis and expert testimony for law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Confianz Global, Inc. Confianz Global, Inc. is a top ERP company that provides high-quality end-to-end automating software solutions for businesses of all sizes. Frequently named among the top management firms in the world, Oliver Wyman has served more than 1,000 global clients over the past 50 years. Luvent Consulting is an economic development consultancy with headquarter in Berlin, Germany and regional offices in Asuncin, Dushanbe, Nairobi, Windhoek and Yangon. It has more than 60 offices in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific and employs over 5,000 professionals. Ernst & Young. Bain & Company 18. Ursula Burns, the former CEO of Xerox, has been chosen as the chairwoman of the company with the departure of Declan Kelly, the former CEO and chairman of the company, and also co-founder As highlighted by the widespread SolarWinds security breach, the public and private sector can no longer afford to act separately when it comes to cybersecurity. View 5 change management tips for government leaders. Among its clients, CRA counts a large number of Fortune 500 companies and Am Law 100 firms. Please select, if appropriate, the following options: 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If you want to change your privacy settings (grant consent or revoke your previously granted consent), click, Switch to accept or reject the category Other content, Switch to accept or reject the service Twitter, Angermeier&Partner International Development (Germany), Arup International Development (International), Canadian Leaders in International Consulting (Canada), DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. (Canada), Institute for Sustainable Communities (US), International Development Opportunities (Switzerland), INTRAC - International NGO Training & Research Centre (UK), Land o' Lakes International Development (US), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / 2030 Agenda. The firm is widely known for solving for the most complex business challenges and opportunities by integrating a wide variety of disciplines. Founded in 1983, Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a global professional services firm notable for its work in turnaround management and performance improvement of several large, high-profile businesses both in the U.S. and abroad. Raytheon Professional Services (RPS) is part of Raytheon Technologies (RTX), one of the largest defense contractors in the world. 1 in the Vault Consulting 50 for the second straight year. Today, we've got quite a unique but highly useful episode for you. The firm, which has been ranked the #1 HR Consulting Firm by Vault for several years running, is arguably the top global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement, and asset management. The Brattle Group provides consulting services and expert testimony in economics, finance, and regulation to corporations, law firms, and public agencies. The firm partners with clients to provide data-driven, actionable insights designed to drive growth, enhance profits, increase value, and make better investment decisions. Receive perspectives on the industries and issues that matter. Founded in 1963 by Bruce Henderson, BCG partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. And Technology, a latent source of boosted revenue for the firm, provides specialized software to manage ediscovery risks. Oliver Wyman With over 1,400 employees and 21 offices worldwide, the firm brings in roughly $500 million in annual revenue. 28. Boston Consulting Group Global consulting firm Huron Consulting pledges to deliver sustainable, long-lasting results to its clients, providing deep expertise in advisory services covering technology, strategy, operations, and analytics to drive results in industries such as higher education, healthcare, commerce, and life sciences. In addition, as of 2020, PwC US has been on Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For in the US for 16 years. The firm is fueled by a combination of cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art methods, and proven experience, and includes a diverse team of more than 800 professionals from over 50 countries. The firms founders, Tony Alvarez II and Bryan Marsal, have led the firm in a fact-driven and action-oriented manner, sharing duties as co-Chief Executive Officers and working to help clients turn areas of stagnation into growth to achieve sustainable results. About 25% of its work comes from clients in Europe and Asia and 40% has a major international component. LBG is an international consulting firm rendering engineering, architecture, program and construction management, environmental planning and science, and economic development services. Headquarters: Morrisville, NC. Leveraging their deep research capabilities and insights, consulting firms are adept in creating thought leadership. Bain upgrades any client's tech stack through their "Vector" program. This includes placing in Best Places To Work In Chicago in 2020 and 2021 and being honored as one of the Best and Brightest Companies to Work For by the National Association for Business Resources for four consecutive years. The acquisition valued Kroll at just north of $4 billion. With next-level solutions in IT modernization and engineering on offer, SAIC is a critical supplier of IT expertise to the space, defense, and intelligence industries. Headquarters: Washington, D.C. FTI Consulting, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is counted among the largest financial consulting firms in the world, typically ranking highly in consulting firm industry listings. Huron, which was founded in Chicago, Illinois 20 years ago, has just under 4,000 employees across 25 locations in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Kearney consistently ranks high on a variety of lists for both the consulting industry and the wider business world. This years awardees comprise some of the most trusted and influential professional services firms in the world. It now boasts over 30,000 employees, 130+ offices around the globe, and more than $10 billion in annual revenue, making it the biggest pure consulting firm in the world. Digital transformation and consulting firm Capgemini works to bring innovative solutions to corporate clients around the world. The EY rebranding campaign of 2013 solidified what had been an informal moniker. Its diverse teams leverage expertise in business, technology, and economics, and as a result, their work includes digital transformation, innovation, AI/ML, data analytics, algorithms, ecosystem strategy, process optimization, antitrust, intellectual property, and tax transfer expertise. Deloitte. Keystone Strategy PricewaterhouseCoopers is a multinational business offering professional service to its clients since 1998 and is one of the top management consulting firm in the world. International Development Opportunities (Switzerland) 144171; Interpraxis (Canada / UK / Japan) . Headquarters: San Francisco, CA. If you want to . BCG is driven by more than 25,000 employees across 90-plus offices in over 50 countries and regions. In 2021, Putnam received numerous top honors, including being ranked by Vault as the #1 Consulting Firm for Health and Wellness. Headquartered in Menlo Park and San Ramon, California, Protiviti boasts a clientele that includes over 60% of Fortune 1000 and 35% of Fortune Global 500 companies. Headquarters: Boston, MA. No other firm in the world has as much consulting prestige as McKinsey & Company. Charles River Associates The company's experienced staff of organization development (OD) professionals and industrial/ organizational (I/O) psychologists offer a Peak Performance System suite of services that improve the individual, team, and organizational effectiveness. Brolik 20. kovald Digital Marketing Strategies 21. Headquarters: Arlington, VA. Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company is a British-American multinational risk management, insurance brokerage, and advisory firm with roots dating back to 1828. We are committed to providing quality solutions to the challenges of sustainable economic, social and environmental development. WTW provides data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk, and capital that makes organizations more resilient, motivates workforces, and maximizes performance. Remarkably, Marsh's $5.98 billion in 2016 revenue accounted for 45% of the parent company's total fiscal year revenue. I arrived in Hong Kong in 1994 on a one-way ticket, and I have lived and worked internationally ever since. McKinsey & Company 3. While this years awardees offer their services across a wide variety of sectors and geographies, and often have very different methods of approaching the problems they solve, what they do have in common is the ability to produce results for their clients. 47. Booz Allen Hamilton Moreover, the firm has its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States. Consulting 10. Serving a bevy of global brands and leading law firms from its offices in Boston, San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle, Keystone Strategy provides strategy and economics consulting fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit as well as dedication to collaborating with clients and peers. Teneo was founded in June 2011 by Declan Kelly, Paul Keary, and Doug Band and currently has more than 1,450 employees located in 40 offices. was awarded the Queen's Award for Enterprise for international trade and export. Bain & Company 2. Bain & Company is a global management consulting firm headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and with 63 offices in 38 countries around the world.